The association has been the sponsor since August 2014. The association was founded by the Swiss Mountain Guides Association (SBV) and the Schweizerischer Höhenarbeiten und Rigging Verband (SHRV) to promote the specialist group and PFPE training. Suva is involved with an advisory mandate.
For decades, it has been a matter of course for machine operators of all kinds, for example, to attend training courses on the safe and efficient operation of their equipment. This was not yet the case when it came to handling PPE against falls from a height – we still had a lot of room for improvement here.
On the initiative of Bernhard von Mühlenen, a small expert working group was set up in mid-2009 to tackle the issue – this became, among other things,
The basic funding for this project was provided by Suva.
from left to right: Bernhard von Mühlenen Tom Hofer (SHRV) Markus Burger (SBV) René Fischer (SHRV) Beat Fischer(SHRV)
The technical aspects of the website (CMS etc) were solved by Beat Fischer (SHRV).
Der Verein
Board of Directors: Hansueli Baumann Beat Fischer Edi Roth Eliane Fischer Markus Burger Rolf Krämer
Certification Commission: Samuel Cantieni Andreas Fuhrer Andrea Giazzi Patrick Anderegg Richard Weiss Simon Geiser
The basic funding for this association was provided by the SBV and the SHRV.